Clean Water

Bringing Water to the Village
Water was a major priority for our team because each day the villagers walked two hours carrying five-gallon containers of water on their backs. There was a long pipeline throughout the region that ideally would have brought water, but with breaks along the pipeline, water did not reach the village.
Guanacaste Water Source
In the spring of 2014, one of our group, an engineer, and a geologist from Engineers Without Borders, examined the pipeline finding an 80% loss due to leaks. We were able to raise enough funds to repair the pipeline, resulting in running water to the village.
Clean Water
Even though the village has running water, the water is not pure. We are working in conjunction with Living Waters for the World (LWW) on a water purification initiative. On our last trip we met with the Honduran director of LWW to begin a purification project.
Well Renovation in San Marcos