Water System Installation Trip Report
December 2-6, 2019
The Installation of the Water Purification System
December marked the culmination of over seven years of effort in locating a water source and a willing community partner to produce purified water for the people we serve. Friends of Honduras (FoH) installed a water purification system in San Marcos de la Sierra, Intibucá, Honduras.
San Marcos was chosen because it had access to a reliable water supply, and because of its enthusiastic support for the project. The installed system produces bulk purified bottled water based upon a design developed by Living Waters for the World (LWW).
LWW trained, equipped, and supported FoH in this clean-water partnership with San Marcos. San Marcos built a facility to house the system, and FoH provided the systems components, management & operation training, and health education supporting the installation.
In three busy days of work performed by community volunteers and supervised by LWW FoH staff, the entire system was assembled, installed, connected, tested, and brought into live production. A significant advantage of placing the system in San Marcos is that it will also be able to serve the nearby villages of Guanacaste and Aguacate.
Photo Above: Operators install system components
Photo Above: Operators install water tank piping
The Health Education
Living Waters for the World health education classes are taught using a teach-the-teacher style. We taught the lessons to the new teachers in the morning, and they repeated the lessons to the village students in the afternoon.
Photo Above: New teachers eagerly practice their skills
Photo Above: The students enjoying their classes
Two main concepts are emphasized: how and when to use purified water, and good hand-washing technique. The lessons are interesting, fun, and engaging.
Photo Above: UV light reveals hand-washing success
Photo Above: Banner is a tribute to new village educators
Celebrating the Water Project
Sheer joy and gratitude was shared by all during our celebration on the final day of the installation of this project. All three villages came together to celebrate the new water facility and to get their first taste of the purified water.
Photo Above: Water system in operation
Photo Above: Ribbon cutting at water system building
Photo Above: Trained operators receive recognition
Photo Above: Village celebrates with a toast of purified water